Graduate Student and Family Housing @ Tenth and Home
GRADUATE STUDENT HOUSING: Georgia Tech offers one and two-bedroom furnished apartments for graduate students. To apply, log in to My Housing and select the APPLICATION tab.
FAMILY HOUSING: Georgia Tech offers one and two-bedroom unfurnished apartments for Georgia Tech undergraduate and graduate students living with their spouse or domestic partner and/or children. To apply, log in to My Housing and select the FAMILY tab.
Spring 2024 Application Opens October 19 at noon
Current residents do not need to reapply for Spring 2024 housing. The Summer 2024 and 2024-2025 Academic Year application will open in January-February.
Family Housing Application Process and Space Availability
- Family housing includes one- and two-bedroom unfurnished apartments at Tenth and Home.
- When we reach the number of applications equal to the number of available apartments, we will turn on the waitlist.
- Students will assign themselves to any available one or two bedroom unfurnished apartment in March.
- Students who do not self-assign, will be assigned by the HRL Assignments staff.
- All Family housing is unfurnished.
- All Family housing rent is paid monthly. The contract term length is the same for all students, including Family Housing students, and based on the academic calendar.
- All housing is first-come, first-serve.
- Waitlisted students can cancel their housing penalty free.
Graduate Housing Application Process and Space Availability
- Single, graduate student housing options include one- and two-bedroom furnished apartments at Tenth and Home.
- Single graduate students who are current residents in unfurnished spaces will have the opportunity to apply for unfurnished spaces for 2023-24 academic year and Summer 2023 only. These residents should check their email and My Housing messaging portal for important dates and detailed instructions.
- When we reach the number of applications equal to the number of available beds, we will turn on the waitlist.
- Students can choose a roommate after successfully submitting their application.
- Students will assign themselves to any available room in March. Students who do not self-assign, will be assigned by the HRL Assignments staff.
- Students will have the option to assign themselves to a furnished two-bedroom apartment or a furnished one-bedroom apartment at Tenth and Home as available.
- All rooms available to single grad students are furnished.
- All housing is first-come, first-serve.
- Waitlisted students can cancel their housing penalty free.
Graduate and Family Housing FAQ
- Is housing guaranteed for Newly Admitted Graduate students?
Georgia Tech Housing is not guaranteed and not required for any student. If housing is not available, students will be able to apply to the housing waitlist by completing the housing application - it will be very clear that you are applying to the waitlist. Graduate housing is limited and first-come, first-serve. Students should research and consider off-campus housing options as well.
- What type of housing is available for students with families and graduate students?
Family housing options include one- and two-bedroom unfurnished apartments at Tenth and Home. This is available to those living full-time with a spouse or partner, and/or child(ren).
Single, graduate student housing options include one- and two-bedroom furnished apartments at Tenth and Home. Two-bedroom options are for two roommates.
- Can a single grad student apply for FAMILY housing?
No. Single students are not eligible for FAMILY (unfurnished) housing and may not apply for FAMILY housing.
- I am a newly admitted graduate student. Why can't I access the housing application?
Once a student is admitted by their department, the Office of Graduate Education will complete an application verification and evaluation process which can take between six to eight weeks from the date that your required documents are received. In some cases, it can take up to 12 weeks during peak admission times. Students can apply for housing once their admission is verified and finalized by Graduate Education.
Domestic Applicant - After You Apply
International Applicant - After You Apply
- I am a single grad student and currently live in an unfurnished, one-bedroom apartment. Can I continue to live there?
Single graduate students who are currently residents in unfurnished spaces will have the opportunity to apply for unfurnished spaces for 2023-24 academic year and Summer 2023 only. These residents should check their email and My Housing messaging portal for important dates and detailed instructions.
All single students currently living in Tenth and Home Building A will be required to move out of their current apartment when their contract ends in May 2024. No unfurnished, one-bedroom apartments will be available for single students beginning Summer 2024.
- Which housing application should I complete?
Graduate students who will not live with a spouse/domestic partner and/or children should complete the standard Housing APPLICATION - do not complete the FAMILY application.
Any undergraduate or graduate student who plans to live with their spouse/domestic partner and/or children should complete the FAMILY application.
- How do I choose a one-bedroom apartment when I apply?
Students submit a housing application for a "bed-space" on campus. You will assign yourself to a specific room and bed space from the available inventory at the time you self-assign. You do not choose a room or room type or specify any preference when you apply for housing.
- How does the self-assign process work? When will I select my room?
Family and Graduate Student Housing:
Students are assigned a time-ticket with a day and time to login to My Housing and select a room during the self-assign process in March. Time-tickets are assigned as follows:
- New Students: Time-tickets are assigned in the order applications are received.
- Current Students: Time-tickets are assigned by level, based on the number of Georgia Tech credit hours earned starting with Ph.D. students. More credit hours = more choices.
- What if no one-bedroom apartments are available when it is my time to self-assign?
You will need to select from the available inventory. If there are no one-bedroom apartments available, you can select an available bedroom in a two-bedroom apartment or choose to cancel your application.
- How does self-assign work if I want to live with a roommate?
After you successfully complete your housing application, you can choose a roommate from other graduate students who have also successfully completed the housing application.
During the self-assign process, the student with the earlier time-ticket can assign both themself and their roommate to available bedrooms in a two-bedroom apartment.
Students who have selected a roommate will have the option to self-assign to furnished two-bedroom apartments only.
- My intended roommate is on the waitlist. How can I ensure we are together?
Students on the waitlist cannot be selected during the roommate selection process. If your intended roommate gets off the waitlist after self-assign occurs and someone else is assigned to your apartment, you can use room swap to get together.
- My domestic partner is planning to live with me in on-campus housing, am I required to provide documentation?
Yes. You may apply for FAMILY housing and indicate that you have a domestic partner. Please visit the Resource tab in the My Housing portal to upload the approved domestic partner documentation from the Dean of Students prior to move-in.
- Is my spouse or domestic partner required to complete an application?
No. Only the Georgia Tech student should apply for FAMILY Housing. The applicant will provide their spouse/domestic partner and/or children's information on the application.
If your spouse or domestic partner is also a Georgia Tech student, only one of you should complete the application.
- I am getting married after the application process begins but prior to the start of the term. Can I still apply for FAMILY housing?
Yes. If you plan to live with your spouse on-campus, apply for FAMILY Housing and provide your fiancé's details on the application.
- If I am graduating in December, can I live in Graduate or Family housing for the Fall semester?
Yes. You can live on-campus in fall. However, applying for fall only housing is not an option.
To live on campus only in the fall, you must apply for the Academic Year and cancel the spring term. You must have an approved reason such as graduation, study abroad, or an internship in order to cancel the spring term of your contract without penalty. We do offer the opportunity to apply for spring only. The spring-only housing application opens in mid-October.
Login to My Housing and select the RESOURCES tab to cancel your housing.
- Can I live in Graduate or Family housing for the summer if I am not registered for summer courses?
On-campus housing is specifically for students who are taking classes. All students living on campus are required to be enrolled full-time, 12 credit hours for the Fall and Spring semesters. For the summer term, residents must be enrolled in at least 1-3 credit hours. If this is your final semester before graduating, we will work with you while you complete your required degree plan.
- What are the lease terms?
The terms for both Family and Graduate Housing are based on the Georgia Tech academic calendar. Students apply for the Academic Year term and the Summer term. The contract (lease) is for the complete term.
Unlike all other Georgia Tech on-campus housing, FAMILY Housing rent is paid monthly. The first and last months rent are prorated from move-in and move-out dates. The contract (lease) dates are not adjusted to the beginning or end of the month.
All contract cancellation penalty terms and dates apply to FAMILY Housing.
- How do I pay for housing?
FAMILY Housing: Rent is paid on a monthly basis for Family housing. Monthly rent is due on or before the first business day of each month. Late fees are charged to the account if the rent is not paid by 2:00 p.m. on the tenth day of the month.
GRADUATE STUDENT Housing: All other students pay the housing fee on a semesterly basis. Housing Fees are charged at the beginning of each academic semester to the student's bursar account and are due at the same time as tuition.
All students pay housing rent and fees via the Payment Portal on the Bursar's website.
- Are the rates changing?
You can view current Housing Rates on the Rates page of the website.
As always, FAMILY Housing (unfurnished apartment) is paid monthly. All other housing is paid semesterly.
- Can I tour a room?
All apartments are occupied and for privacy and security reasons, we do not offer tours. You may view the virtual tours and images found on the website for each building from the Explore Housing Options menu.
- How does package delivery work for Graduate and Family housing at Tenth and Home?
All packages come to and are accepted at the GLC office. Deliveries will be signed for and a notice will be placed in your mailbox. Please pick up packages within 48 hours of receiving notification. Bring the slip with your picture ID. Packages are normally returned to the sender after 72 hours if no special arrangements have been made through the GLC office. If you will be out of town please send an e-mail to with your name, apartment number, and the length of time you need your packages to be held. Also, if you want to authorize someone else to pick up your package include his or her full name in your e-mail; that person must provide a picture ID when picking up your package. The GLC office is open from 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Housing cannot accept any package sent “cash on delivery.”

Applying for Housing
Complete the application in the My Housing Portal by selecting the FAMILY or APPLICATION tab.
Step 1: Complete the application and sign the Housing Contract
- Find the application in the My Housing Portal.
- Check your email for important information about the application in the days leading up to your application phase (find your phase information under "Important Dates" at the top of this page).
- You must sign the Housing Contract to complete the Housing Application.
Step 2: Roommate and Room Selection
- Select a Roommate
- Select a Room - room selection (self-assign) order is based on your number of credit hours (current students) or order application is received (new students).
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